"Ghost" Delegates in E2K3
Folks, I have an interesting one here.
Years ago, when our company was on Exchange 5.5, we had our Conference Rooms set up as many people did: A single mailbox (the Conference Room Coordinator, or CRC) that served as a delegate for all conference room mailboxes, and it received all meeting requests for the conference rooms and accepted (or declined) on their behalf. I'm sure this was a very common setup for Exchange 5.5 orgs around the world a few years ago.
We upgraded to E2K3 about 18 months ago, and started using the Auto Accept tool-thingie provided by Microsoft. It worked fine, so that CRC mailbox was removed as a delegate from all CR mailboxes and then the CRC account was deleted. Gone forever, like a bad penny. Things worked fine, until an evil AD/Exchange migration this summer.
We migrated 2 NT 4.0/Exchange 5.5 domains and 1 2003 AD/Exchange 2K3 domain to a new forest and new single 2003 AD/E2K3 domain. Suddenly, on some conference room mailboxes (yes, these mailboxes have existed since the Exchange 5.5 org) are generating non-deliverables to the old CRC mailbox; what I like to call a "Ghost" delegate. The bad penny returneth.
This is happening with other accounts too, not just the Conference Rooms. Users who used to have delegates that have not been delegates for years are now generating NDRs if the former delegates' account is gone.
The migration was preformed by BindView (now owned by Symantec) The problem seems to only be with users who were in the original 2003AD/E2K3 domain.
Any wisdom about this issue would be greatly appriciated. It is the last outstanding issue from an... "exciting" migration.
August 15th, 2006 5:26pm
I don't know if you found an answer or not but look into MS support article 312433. This took care of my problem (same as yours) after months of searching.
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October 12th, 2006 11:04pm